A web accelerator is a piece of software which accelerates an Internet site usually by caching content and supplying it instead of the hosting server. Such applications may be used for both static and dynamic websites since there are different accelerators that can cache both static content and database calls and responses. The main advantage of using a web accelerator is that a given website will perform noticeably faster without using extra resources. On the contrary, this kind of a website will require much less resources to function since the web accelerator will tackle most requests instead of the server. In contrast to many firms which do not offer web accelerators with their plans or offer only 1, we offer 3 different ones that'll enable you to speed up your websites regardless of their type or content.
Web Accelerators in Cloud Website Hosting
Our cloud website hosting packages include three web accelerators that you could employ depending on the websites which you'd like to run. Memcached is used to cache database or API calls and responses, which could greatly improve the performance of dynamic sites. Varnish is a popular HTTP accelerator which caches web pages and delivers them to the visitors way quicker than the web server after the first time they open them. Node.js is an event-driven platform used for scalable real-time programs including booking sites. Depending on the Internet hosting package you pick, these three programs may already be included or might be optional upgrades. Regardless, you shall be able to pick how many instances of each of them shall be at your disposal and how much memory they should use. These accelerators are supplied only by several hosting providers, including ours, and they could increase the speed of your web apps considerably.
Web Accelerators in Semi-dedicated Hosting
In case you choose one of our semi-dedicated hosting solutions, you shall be able to take advantage of Varnish, Memcached and Node.js - 3 powerful web accelerators. Varnish is a multi-purpose program that caches web pages the first time a website visitor opens them and delivers them instead of the hosting server if the site visitor opens them again nearly 300% quicker. Memcached caches API and database calls and responses so that the server does not need to process every request, which makes it ideal for database-driven websites, for instance ones designed with Joomla or WordPress. Node.js is used to build web applications which operate in real-time like chats or accommodation booking websites and it processes each and every bit of data as soon as the user types it rather than waiting for sizeable pieces of information to be accumulated. The Hepsia CP which is provided with our semi-dedicated packages will allow you to choose how many instances of every accelerator shall work at a time and just how much memory they'll use.
Web Accelerators in VPS
We offer Memcached, Node.js and Varnish with all virtual private servers that are obtained with the Hepsia CP. Your server will also feature a few hundred megabytes of dedicated memory for these accelerators and the specific amount would be determined by the package deal that you pick. Memcached is employed for script-driven websites since it caches database responses, consequently reducing the number of queries which a script sends to its database. It may be employed for any script like WordPress or Joomla. Node.js is a highly effective platform for developing web apps such as booking Internet sites and chats. The real-time interaction between end users and a hosting server is done by processing smaller bits of data as soon any user inputs anything on the site. In comparison, other platforms await customers to enter loads of information before they process it, as a result they operate slowly. Varnish is a multi-purpose accelerator which caches whole webpages and provides them instead of the server at a much faster rate. It's also known as an HTTP reverse proxy and it can effortlessly speed up any sort of Internet site.
Web Accelerators in Dedicated Hosting
Memcached, Varnish and Node.js come with all dedicated servers ordered with the Hepsia hosting Control Panel and in accordance with the plan that you choose, you'll also have several gigabytes of dedicated memory for them. Memcached can lessen the server load by lowering the number of queries that need to be handled because it caches database calls and responses. You will be able to use it on any website which uses an API or a database - for example, any website built with WordPress or Joomla. Varnish could improve the performance of any sort of Internet site by caching whole pages the first time a visitor opens them. The accelerator delivers the webpages if the exact same visitor opens them afterwards and considering the fact that it does that considerably faster than the hosting server, the visitor will be able to surf your website at least several times faster. That is why Varnish is oftentimes categorised as an HTTP reverse proxy. Node.js is an innovative platform that'll enable you to build booking websites, web chats and other programs in which real-time server-user interaction is needed. It processes the info in little portions as the user fills different boxes and doesn't wait for all boxes to be filled and processed as one sizeable piece of information, which makes Node.js way quicker than similar apps.