Using the variety of Web Site Optimization Tools integrated into the Web Control Panel, you can easily start popularizing your new site, as soon as it is built. Using the RSS News publishing tool, you can quickly put a frequently kept up–to–date notifications section on your site. Using the GeoIP re–direction instrument, you can quickly redirect your website traffic based on their country. Furthermore, from the Sitemap Generator, you can generate a complete sitemap for your site and send it to the search engines.

A Sitemap Generator

For effective bot listing

A sitemap is a listing of all pages on a website that may be accessed by spiders and visitors. You can use a sitemap to tell major search engines which webpages of your web site you want to be scanned. At the same time, a sitemap can help your visitors find their way throughout your web site. You’d normally employ a 3rd party sitemap software package to obtain a sitemap for your site. Nonetheless, with, you get a sitemap application comfortably installed in your Web Control Panel.

Within the Advanced Tools area, click on Sitemap Generator and after selecting the file format of your sitemap, click on the Crawl key. The sitemap of your web site will be generated within a few minutes and you will now be able to send it to the major search engines.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Location–driven redirections with just a click of the mouse gives you an excellent way to reroute your users according to their location. Via the GeoIP redirection instrument, you can re–direct all of the customers who arrive from a specific country to a native language variant of your website. For example, in case you have an Italian variant of your site, you can quickly direct all of the site visitors coming from Italy to that particular page rather than asking to switch to Italian after they open the English variation. This will help you offer your site visitors with an intuitive online stay from the very start.

There’s no need for any specific skills or computer expertise to employ the GeoIP redirection tool. It is set up with a click.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Show the most current news within your web site

What’s RSS? RSS represents a technology for submitting and collecting site content. It is becoming commonly used by information websites, private blogging sites, newscasts, etc. The presented information is quickly gathered from an RSS reader and afterwards made available to the user. Employing RSS, customers may get hold of news from multiple web sites and read them in a sole area.

With the RSS News Publication application, you can quickly incorporate news feeds from some of the world’s most common news portals and demonstrate them on your own web site.

RSS News